Data Services

Data that Serves You

Data Consulting 

With the array of services at Chaleman Technologies, we are confident we will find the right solution for you. Your business is in great hands with our professional of data specialists. Find out how we can develop database software tailored for your company. Or see how we create precise, intuitive, intelligent, data structure, views, and indexes for enhanced organizational and structural data integrity. Chaleman technologies focuses on how our client needs and conduct research that and analysis what is right for your business. 

Database Development

Any database that fits for you our developers will make from hierarchical, network, relational, object- oriented, document and more. 

Database Application Development 

Design data-driven desktop, mobile, and web-based applications that leverage robust database solutions, prioritizing ease-of-use for employees and customers alike.

Data Mining & Transformation

Harness the power of leading data mining & transformation tools to transform your data sets and automate processes for mining, structuring, organizing, and indexing data.

Data Warehouse Software Solutions

Develop advanced data warehouse software solutions to ensure data integrity by readily identifying informational inconsistencies and reporting critical insights.

Distributed Database Software Solutions

Chaleman Technologies creates reliable distributed database software solutions for companies to manage structured, interrelated effectively, and physically distributed files.

Operational Database Software Solutions

We engineer powerful, custom-tailored operational database software solutions that allow users to modify mission-critical data in real-time.




End-User Database Software Solutions

Chaleman Technologies engineers custom database software solutions for end-users to maintain, query, update, and generate reports in easy-to-use spreadsheet files.

Analytical Database Software Solutions

We will develop sophisticated analytical database software solutions optimized to provide fast query response times and advanced analytics.

External Database Software Solutions

Our team design and develop external database software solutions for managing large licensing schemas and other types of data where high performance is required.

What We Use

Have any questions? Talk to someone today!